Wallpaper teks efek kulit (Lanjutan...)

***Lihat tutorial part 1 nya disini Membuat Teks Efek Kulit

Klik kanan pada area dalam seleksi lalu pilih Layer Via Cut maka huruf tersebut akan terpotong dan potonganya ada di layer baru. Nah sekarang geser layer potonganya sedikit keatas dengan menggunakan Move Tool, agar hasil lebih menarik rotasikan sedikit/miringkan (cukup dengan menggunakan Free Transform / Ctrl + T)

Lanjut lagi... sekarang lakukan Ctrl + Klik pada layer bagian yang terpotong maka akan muncul seleksi sesuai bentuknya. lalu dengan menggunakan Brush Tool dengan mode Soft Brush usapkan pada bagian bawah yang terpotong tersebut (usapkan hanya setengah dari besar brush yang mengenai seleksinya .saya menggunakan warna #700c0a dan sedikit warna #520909) lalu tekan ctrl + D untuk hilangkan seleksi nya atau deselect, seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Buat sebuah layer baru (Shift + ctrl+ n) lalu untuk mempermudah langkah selanjutnya kamu bisa zoom terlebih dahulu bagian yang terpotongnya dengan menggunakan zoom tool atau shortcut ctrl + . Lalu dengan menggunakan Brush tool dengan mode Hard Brush buat sebuah bentuk menyerupai darah yang akan menetes seperti gambar yang ada dibawah ini

Selanjutnya kita akan kerja pada bagian potongan yang ada dibawah, buka gambar daging - masukkan ke dokumen - pindahkan layer nya kebagian dibawah teks utama atau diatas hue /saturation

Dengan menggunakan Eliptical Marquee Tool buat sebuah seleksi seperti gambar dibawah ini, lalu tekan shift + ctrl + i, lalu tekan Del

Beri style inner shadow (layer - layer style - inner shadow) pada layer daging dengan propertis seperti gambar dibawah ini

langkah selanjutnya mengulang pekerjaan kita yang tadi, warnai pada bagian potongan bawah dari gambar dan beri efek darah menetes seperti dibawah ini

Terakhir kita akan menambahkan cucukan garpunya, masukkan gambar garpu ke dokumen kita lalu hapus background nya (jika kamu lagi males ato apa gitu download yang uda dihapus backgroundnya disini) nah posisikan garpunya sesuai keinginan kamu lalu ambil seleksi dari potongan yang ada diatas. Lalu dengan menggunakan Eraser Tool hapus bagian garpu lalu hilangkan seleksi (ctrl + d) sehingga seperti gambar dibawah ini

buat sebuah layer baru dibawah layer Garpu, lalu buat garis - garis kecil (warna #630d0d) seperti gambar dibawah ini. Pada layer garpu tambahkan efek Drop Shadow (Layer - layer style - drop shadow)

Terakhir saya tambahkan level lalu Hue/ Saturation dengan settingan seperti gambar dibawah ini

Hasil akhir dari Tutorial Photoshop kali ini adalah.........Jreng..jreng....

berikut saya sertakan gambar layer palette dari tutorial ini

Tempat kumpulan Tutorial Photoshop dan belajar Photoshop hanya di IndoPhotoshop.blogspot.com

feather border

to get the feather border effect just download this action


comic dots

to get comic dot effect just download this action
comic dot

hulk girl

step 1
open image to photoshop CS2

step 2
duplicate layer (ctrl + J)
press ctrl + I (invert)

step 3
change blending mode normal to blending mode hue

to decraese color on lips: go to filter--->> blur--->> gaussian blur

step 4

press ctrl + u (hue/saturation
apply the setting

final result:

aged photo

step 1:
open image to photoshop CS2

step :2

press shift+ctrl+U (desaturate)
press ctrl+ B (color balance)

apply this setting


step 3:
tekan shift+ctrl+N (new layer)
fill background with white
masuk ke filter--->>texture--->>grain

langkah ke empat:
change blending mode normal to blending mode softlight

final result

channel mixer optional

This folder contains presets which you can load into the channel mixer dialog in Photoshop. To use these presets, select Image > Adjust > Channel Mixer from the Photoshop menu, and click the Load button.

You can also use these presets on a Channel Mixer adjustment layer. Select Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Channel Mixer and click OK. Then click Load in the Channel Mixer dialog to load a preset.


HSL & HSB plug in

The "HSL&HSB" plug-in allows conversion from RGB -> HSL (Hue, Saturation and Lightness) and back, and from RGB -> HSB (Hue, Saturation and Brightness) and back within Adobe Photoshop. This will allow you to make changes to the Hue, Saturation, or Luminosity of an image as independent channels, or make changes in HSL/HSB using channel operations (calculations). (Note that it is not compatible with Adobe ImageReady software.)

To install the HSL&HSB plug-in:

1. Make sure the Adobe Photoshop application is not currently running.
2. Copy the HSL&HSB plug-in into the Adobe Photoshop > Plug-Ins > Adobe Photoshop Only folder.
3. Launch Photoshop. The HSL&HSB plug-in will be loaded.

download HSLHSB

file format photoshop CS 2

file format photoshop

To install one of the optional file format plug-ins:
  1. Make sure the Photoshop application is not currently running.
  2. Copy the plug-in into the Adobe Photoshop Plug-Ins > Adobe Photoshop Only > File Formats folder.
  3. Launch Photoshop. The plug-in will be loaded.

The Alias file format plug-in allows you to read and write files in the Alias .pix format. This format is commonly used for 3D rendering software from Alias/Wavefront, and in some image editing software on UNIX systems.

To install the Alias plug-in, drag it to the Plug-Ins folder inside your Adobe Photoshop CS2 folder. When you restart Photoshop, Alias .pix will appear in the list of available file formats in the open and save dialogs.

The ElectricImage format plug-in allows you to read and write files in the ElectricImage picture format. This format is commonly used by 3D rendering software from ElectricImage.

To install the ElectricImage plug-in, drag it to the Plug-Ins folder inside your Adobe Photoshop CS2 folder. When you restart Photoshop, ElectricImage will appear in the list of available file formats in the open and save dialogs.

The IFF file format plug-in allows you to read and write files in the Amiga IFF/ILBM format and Maya IFF format.

To install the IFF plug-in, drag it to the Plug-Ins folder inside your Adobe Photoshop CS2 folder. When you restart Photoshop, .iff will appear in the list of available file formats in the open and save dialogs.

The RLA file format plug-in allows you to read and write files in the Wavefront .rla format. This format is commonly used for high-end 3D rendering software from Alias/Wavefront, and in some image editing software on UNIX systems.

To install the RLA plug-in, drag it to the Plug-Ins folder inside your Adobe Photoshop CS2 folder. When you restart Photoshop, Wavefront .rla will appear in the list of available file formats in the open and save dialogs.

The SGIRGB format plug-in allows you to read and write files in the SGI image format. This format is commonly used by software on the Silicon Graphics platform. The SGI image format plug-in recognizes the file extensions .sgi, .rgb, .rgba, and .bw.

To install the SGIRGB plug-in, drag it to the Plug-Ins folder inside your Adobe Photoshop CS2 folder. When you restart Photoshop, SGIRGB will appear in the list of available file formats in the open and save dialogs.

The SoftImage format plug-in allows you to read and write files in the SoftImage picture format. This format is commonly used by 3D rendering software from SoftImage.

To install the SoftImage plug-in, drag it to the Plug-Ins folder inside your Adobe Photoshop CS2 folder. When you restart Photoshop, SoftImage will appear in the list of available file formats in the open and save dialogs.


mac paint



RAW Camera

MultiProcessor Support

Adobe® Photoshop® CS2 Multiprocessor Support for Adobe Photoshop CS2 for Windows®

The Multiprocessor Support update fixes a problem discovered after Photoshop CS2 (9.0) was released. Machines with more than 4 processors in total (counting HyperThreading) will now use all of those processors.


-- Adobe Photoshop CS2 (all language versions)
-- Windows: Microsoft® Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 4, or Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or 2

To install the Photoshop CS2 Multiprocessor Support update:
1. Exit Photoshop CS2
2. In Windows Explorer, Oopen your Adobe Photoshop CS2 folder.
3. Open the Extensions folder inside the Plug-Ins folder.
4. Delete or backup and rename Multiprocessor Support.8BX.
5. Copy the new Multiprocessor Support.8BX into your Extensions folder.

Additional Notes
This update will work only with the retail version of Adobe Photoshop CS2 (9.0.x) software and not any pre-release (Beta) versions. To confirm that the update is
successfully installed, launch Photoshop, go to the Help menu, select System Info, find Multiprocessor Support in the list of installed plug-ins, and verify that the Version is 9.0.2. The version number can also be found by right-clicking on the plug-in itself, selecting Properties, and then selecting the Version tab.


MultiProcessor Support

sky with stained glass

open image to photoshop cs 2

first step, change layer: background to layer

make selection on object

then press shift+ctrl+I (invers)


click menu filter --->> texture ---->> stained glass

cell size 35
border thickness 5
light intensity 10


Diffusion Glow Effect for your Pictures

Here i will show you how you make Diffusion Glow Effect on your own Pictures and look beautifull.

Step 1: First open any image.

Step 2: Duplicate the layer, go to Layer> Duplicate or press Ctrl+J and change the blending mode of the new layer to Screen.

Step 3: Now add a layer mask to the top layer so go to Layer> Add Layer Mask> Reveal All.

Step 4: Make sure the layer mask is activated. The thumbnail of the layer mask in the layer window should have a white border around it. If it does not, click on the thumbnail to activate the layer mask.

Step 5: With the layer mask activated, go to Image> Apply Image and use these settings:

Your Image looks like:

Step 6: Click on the thumbnail of the top layer to deactivate the layer mask. With the top layer selected, go to Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur. Make sure that the preview checkbox is checked and increase the radius slider until the desired effect is achieved.

Step 7: We need to add another layer mask but Photoshop will only allow one raster layer mask per layer. To get around this, we will simply group the layer so go to Layer> Group Layers or press Ctrl+G and add a layer mask go to Layer> Layer Mask> Reveal All, to the new group created.

Step 8: Click on the thumbnail of the new layer mask. With the layer mask selected, use the Apply Image so go to Image> Apply Image tool to apply the entire image to the layer mask and apply these settings:

Here's is the Final Result!:

photoshop action

Variable Invertion - v1.0

Variable Invertion - v1.0, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 10/01/08, Updated --/--/--.


Simply unzip "varinvert.zip" and copy "varinvert.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter will variably invert color channels of an image.

[R,G,B] Amount: Controls the amount of Red, Green & Blue color invertion.

Output: Specifies which color channels to output.

Locks: Lock the Green & Blue amount channels to Red amount.

Reset: Resets all values to default.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.




1.0 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.0 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Superformula - v1.2

Superformula - v1.2, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 11/14/03, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "superformula.zip" and copy "superformula.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter generates a wide variety of geometric shapes using the Superformula.

The Superformula, sometimes referred to as the Supershape, was discovered by Johan Gielis. It is a simple formula that can be used to generate a wide variety of geometric shapes.

Res: Resolution of the Supershape. If your line becomes dotted, increase the resolution.

Res (Multiplier): This is a multiplier for the Supershape resolution as sometimes you may need very high values.

Pos X: Specifies the horizontal placement (in percentage) of the Supershape.

Pos Y: Specifies the vertical placement (in percentage) of the Supershape.

Size A: Controls variable A, which defines partial Supershape size as well as form.

Size B: Controls variable B, which defines partial Supershape size as well as form.

m: Controls the rotational symmetry of the Supershape.

n1, n2, n3: Control various aspects of the Supershape.

n3=n2=n1: Locks n3 and n2 to n1. Unlock these to get more interesting Supershapes.

Size B=A: Locks Size B to A. Unlock these to get more interesting Supershapes.

m*10: This is a multiplier for m. When enabled, m is multiplied by 10 resulting in always closed Supershapes. Since it will also increase the rotational symmetry tenfold, you may wish to use lower values.

BG: Replaces the background with the specified background color.

BG Color: Specifies the background color.

Line Color: Specifies the line color.

LOAD/SAVE: Load and Save settings. (.INI files)

Reset: Resets all values to default state.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.

Special thanks to Paul Bourke for allowing his algorithm to be ported to this plugin. For more information, please visit Mr. Bourke's site at http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/.

Special thanks to Johan Gielis for his input and support. For more information, please visit Johan Gielis' site at http://www.geniaal.be and http://www.genicap.com.




1.1 - New GUI design.
1.1 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.2 - Preview image now scales correctly to zoom level.
1.2 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.2 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Pixelate - v1.4 by Richard Rosenman

Pixelate - v1.4, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 05/05/03, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "pixelate.zip" and copy "pixelate.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter will pixelate an image.

Horizontal: This slider controls (in pixels) the horizontal number of pixels.

Vertical: This slider controls (in pixels) the vertical number of pixels.

Mix: This slider controls (in percent) the amount of the pixelated image to be mixed with the source image.

Outline: This slider controls (in percent) the strength of the pixel outline using the outline color.

Outline (Additive/Subtractive): These pushbuttons specify whether the outline is added to or subtracted from the image.

R,G,B: These options specify which color channels to output.

Outline Color: This color selector specifies the outline color.

Lock Horiz/Vert: This option locks the Vertical slider to the Horizontal slider for proportional pixels.

Reset: Resets all values to default state.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.




1.1 - Added Realtime display option.
1.1 - Recompiled with updated compiler.
1.2 - Pixelation is now proportionate to preview window size.
1.3 - New GUI design.
1.3 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.4 - Added reset button.
1.4 - Preview image now scales correctly to zoom level.
1.4 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.4 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Pixelate - v1.4 by Richard Rosenman

Pixelate - v1.4, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 05/05/03, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "pixelate.zip" and copy "pixelate.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter will pixelate an image.

Horizontal: This slider controls (in pixels) the horizontal number of pixels.

Vertical: This slider controls (in pixels) the vertical number of pixels.

Mix: This slider controls (in percent) the amount of the pixelated image to be mixed with the source image.

Outline: This slider controls (in percent) the strength of the pixel outline using the outline color.

Outline (Additive/Subtractive): These pushbuttons specify whether the outline is added to or subtracted from the image.

R,G,B: These options specify which color channels to output.

Outline Color: This color selector specifies the outline color.

Lock Horiz/Vert: This option locks the Vertical slider to the Horizontal slider for proportional pixels.

Reset: Resets all values to default state.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.




1.1 - Added Realtime display option.
1.1 - Recompiled with updated compiler.
1.2 - Pixelation is now proportionate to preview window size.
1.3 - New GUI design.
1.3 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.4 - Added reset button.
1.4 - Preview image now scales correctly to zoom level.
1.4 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.4 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Lens FX - v1.1 by Richard Rosenman

Lens FX - v1.1, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 09/05/07, Updated 10/01/08.


Simply unzip "lensfx.zip" and copy "lensfx.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.

filter="" will="" generate="" various="" this="" defines="" the="" distortion="" apply="" your="" specifies="" what="" type="" pixel="" sampling="" to="" nearest="" neighbor="" bicubic="" being="" applies="" all="" effects="" in="" drag="" instead="" of="" on="" mouse="" release="">KNOWN BUGS:



1.0 - New GUI design.
1.0 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.1 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.1 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Channel Modifier - v1.0

Channel Modifier - v1.0, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 09/28/08, Updated --/--/--.


Simply unzip "channelmod.zip" and copy "channelmod.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter will perform various operations on color channels.

Step 1: Select the type of operation you would like the filter to perform.

Step 2: Specify the color channel to be modified.

Step 3: Specify the color channel to assist with the modification.

Reset: This option resets all variables to their default values.







Ultimate Artist Aggravator

Ultimate Artist Aggravator - v1.1, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 09/05/07, Updated 09/28/28.


Simply unzip "aggravator.zip" and copy "aggravator.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This plugin exists for the sole purpose of aggravating the artist.

If you need instructions on how to use this plugin you need help.
Simply click on 'OK' to become aggravated.


Sometimes this filter is not aggravating enough.


1.0 - New GUI design.
1.0 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.1 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.1 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Solid Border - v1.3 by Richard R

Solid Border - v1.3, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 05/02/04, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "solid_border.zip" and copy "solid_border.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter will generate a solid border around an image.

Horizontal: This slider controls (in units) the horizontal width of the border.

Vertical: This slider controls (in units) the vertical width of the border.

Transp: This slider controls (in percent) the transparency of the border.

Lock Vertical to Horizontal: This option locks the Vertical slider to the Horizontal slider for proportional border widths.

Ignore Aspect Ratio: This option maintains the horizontal and vertical border widths equal regardless of the image aspect ratio.

Units: Specifies the width of the border in either percentage or pixel size.

Color: This color selector specifies the border color.

Reset: This option resets all variables to their default values.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.




1.1 - Fixed a major coding bug. Filter is now hundreds of times faster.
1.2 - New GUI design.
1.2 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.3 - Preview image now scales correctly to zoom level.
1.3 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.3 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Tiler - v1.4, by Richard Rosenman

Tiler - v1.4, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 06/15/03, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "tiler.zip" and copy "tiler.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.

This filter makes images tileable.

Horiz (Horizontal): This slider controls the amount (in percent) of horizontal blending to apply.

Vert (Vertical): This slider controls the amount (in percent) of vertical blending to apply.

HShift (Horizontal Shift): This slider controls (in percent) how much horizontal shift to apply.

VShift (Vertical Shift): This slider controls (in percent) how much vertical shift to apply.

Locks (Center Horiz Seam): This pushbutton will center the horizontal blended seam of the image, effectively overriding and disabling the HShift.

Locks (Center Vert Seam): This pushbutton will center the vertical blended seam of the image, effectively overriding and disabling the VShift.

Output: These pushbuttons define which color channels to output.

Lock Vert to Horiz: This pushbutton assigns the vertical amount to the horizontal for proportional tiling.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.

Reset: Resets all values to default.




1.1 - Fixed a bug with the "H/V Shift" and "Center H/V Seam" which offset incorrectly on some resolutions.
1.2 - Selecting "Center H/V Seam" will now disable the appropriate controls until deselected again.
1.2 - Improved "H/V Shift" and "Center H/V Seam" bug, but still problematic when applying the filter multiple times on the same image. This bug will arise specifically on odd numbered horizontal and/or vertical resolutions.
1.3 - New GUI design.
1.3 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.4 - Preview image now scales correctly to zoom level.
1.4 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.4 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Portable PixMap v2.2

Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter - v2.2, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 11/03/03, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "pixmap.zip" and copy "pixmap.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter imports and exports 8/16 bit Portable PixMap (PPM, PGM, PBM) images.

The PPM / PGM / PBM file format is a convenient image file format which allows one to save an image in ASCII or BINARY mode. Because ASCII is simple text, it allows anyone to easily import these images into one's own applications. It also allows one to open the ASCII file in any text editor and make changes if desired. ASCII images are text based and therefore large and slow loading. BINARY images are smaller and faster loading but are not text based.

To use this filter, you must be in either 8 bit RGB mode, 16 bit RGB mode or 16 bit Grayscale mode. This means that if you wish to save an 8 bit greyscale image (PGM), you should convert your image to greyscale and then switch back to 8 bit RGB mode to run the filter. When saving greyscale PGM's, the filter will only save the red channel of the image. Since all channels have since been converted to greyscale, they all equal the same value.

If you wish to save a bitmap (black & white) image (PBM), you should convert your image to a bitmap (bitmap mode) and then switch back to 8 bit RGB mode to run the filter. When saving bitmap PBM's, the filter will only save the red channel of the image. Since all channels have since been converted to black and white, they all equal the same value.

The same principle applies to loading color, greyscale or bitmap images. Simply load them in 8 bit RGB mode and then switch to the appropriate image mode (RGB, GREYSCALE, BITMAP).

Portable PixMap Importer/Exporter 2.0 now supports 16 bit RGB and Grayscale images. To save a 16 bit RGB image, simply switch to 16 bit RGB mode and run the filter. You will notice that you can only save in ASCII mode, and only in RGB. This is because BINARY exporting is currently not supported for 16 bit RGB images. To save a 16 bit Grayscale image, simply switch to 16 bit Grayscale mode and run the filter. You will notice that you can only save in ASCII mode, and only in Grayscale. This is because BINARY exporting is currently not supported for 16 bit Grayscale images.

If you attempt to import a 16 bit RGB or Grayscale image but are not currently in the appropriate 16 bit mode, you will be asked to switch to that mode and try again. Likewise, if you attempt to import an 8 bit RGB or Grayscale image but are not currently in the appropriate 8 bit mode, you will be asked to switch to that mode and try again.

LOAD PPM, PGM, PBM: Selecting this and applying OK will prompt you to select an ASCII or BINARY PPM, PGM or PBM file to import.

Show File Comments: If selected, this will display any comments contained in the imported file.

SAVE PPM, PGM, PBM: Selecting this and applying OK will prompt you to select a PPM, PGM or PBM filename to export.

Save in ASCII. This will save the PPM, PGM or PBM file in ASCII format.

Save in BINARY. This will save the PPM or PGM file in BINARY format. PBM's cannot be saved in BINARY mode.


While Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter cannot guarantee 100% compatibility with all PPM, PGM, PBM images, it has been tested with the following software:

Images exported with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter are compatible with ACDSee 3.1.

Images exported with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter are compatible with IrfanView 3.85.

Images exported with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter (in BINARY only) are compatible with HDRShop 1.0.3.

Images exported with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter (8/16 bit) are compatible with Bryce 5.0

Images exported with IrfanView 3.85 are compatible with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter.

Images exported with XV Version 3.10a are compatible with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter.

Images exported with The GIMP's PNM Filter Version 1.0 are compatible with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter.

Images exported with HDRShop 1.0.3 are compatible with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter.

Images exported with Bryce 5.0 are compatible with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter.

And of course, any images exported with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter are compatible with Portable PixMap Importer / Exporter.

There are probably many more compatible applications that haven't been formally tested but in most cases, it should work.


It is important to understand the Portable PixMap file structure as it is often possible to make an incompatible image compatible by adjusting an incorrect variable. A Portable PixMap Image file contains the following file structure:

P3 - The magic number. "P3" = ASCII color, "P6" = BINARY color, "P2" = ASCII greyscale, "P5" = BINARY greyscale, "P1" = ASCII bitmap (black and white).

# A Comment - Comments preceded by the character "#". Any number of lines at this point can be commented.

640 480 - Horizontal and vertical image resolution. Separated by a space.

255 - Maximum value of the color component. Usually "255" for 8 bit images, "65535" for 16 bit images.

0 0 0 255 128 0 - RGB, greyscale, or black and white information. Read in order of Red, Green then Blue. If RGB, there will be a red, green and blue integer. If greyscale, there will be a greyscale integer. If bitmap, there will be either "0" (white) or "1" (black).

Note that the lines should not be longer than 70 characters.

As an example, a typical color ASCII PPM would have the following file structure:

# Example
4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 50
0 0 0 0 50 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 7 0 0 0
50 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




1.1 - Fixed a bug which sometimes did not properly import binary PPM and PGM images.
2.0 - Added 16 bit RGB and Grayscale import / export support.
2.1 - New GUI design.
2.1 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
2.2 - Removed progress bar.
2.2 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
2.2 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Pinch - v1. 3 by Richard Rosenman

Pinch - v1.3, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 07/14/03, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "pinch.zip" and copy "pinch.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.

This filter produces pinch distortion on an image.

Horiz, Vert: These sliders control the amount of pinch distortion introduced in both the horizontal and vertical axes respectively.

Color out-of-range: Pixels that are grabbed from outside the image boundaries are colored using the selected color.

Out-of-range color: This color specifies the out-of-range color.

Lock Vert to Horiz: Locks the vertical slider to the horizontal for proportional pinch distortion.

Fit: This pushbutton stands for fit-to-window. When this is selected, the image is scaled to compensate for pinch distorted size differences.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.

Output: These pushbuttons define which color channels to output.

Sub-Sampling: Specifies what type of pixel sub-sampling to use. (Nearest Neighbor being fastest, Bicubic being best.)

Reset: Resets all values to default state.


Paint Shop Pro (PSP) also has a filter called "pinch.8bf". This presents a filename conflict. To resolve this, simply rename this plugin to "rosenman_pinch.8bf".


1.1 - Faster previews.
1.2 - New GUI design.
1.2 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.3 - Added rese button.
1.3 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.3 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Evaluate - v1.2 by Richard Rosenman

Evaluate - v1.2, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 08/20/03, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "evaluate.zip" and copy "evaluate.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter performs various image processing operations through rule-based evaluations."

"Evaluate" can be an extremely powerful filter when used to its full potential. With it's sophisticated rule-based evaluations, it can perform more than 50 different image processing operations ranging from color replacement, color inversion, color swapping, greyscale conversion, color clamping, color multiplication and division, color trigonometrical mathematics, pixel blurring, pixel grain, and much, much more. Any of these effects can be applied to specific color ranges, specific luma ranges, specific color channels or any combination of any of these (and more). "Evaluate" makes specific pixel targeting and isolation very easy to accomplish, providing the user with extremely precise image processing controls.

Relational and Logical Operators:

= Equal to.
!= Not Equal to.
> Greater Than.
>= Greater Than or Equal to.
<= Less Than or Equal to.

Variable Definitions:

(R)ed,(G)green,(B)lue: Red, Green and Blue color channels respectively.

Luma: Pixel luminance value - (R+G+B)/3.

v1,v2,v3: First, Second and Third equation slider values respectively (0-255).

Operation color: This variable specifies the color for various operations.

(1 2) 3, 1 (2 3): Specifies order of operations.
eg. If (Cond1 AND Cond2) OR Cond3, If Cond1 AND (Cond2 OR Cond3).

Reset: Resets all values to default state.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'




1.1 - New GUI design.
1.1 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.2 - Added reset button.
1.2 - Preview image now scales correctly to zoom level.
1.2 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.2 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



photoshop keygen

photoshop keygen can download here:


Smart De-Interlacer by Richard Rosenman

Smart De-Interlacer - v1.3, © 2008 Richard Rosenman Advertising & Design. Release date: 07/16/04, Updated 09/28/08.


Simply unzip "deinterlacer.zip" and copy "deinterlacer.8bf" to your "\Photoshop\Plug-Ins\" folder, or whichever plugin folder your host program uses. Load your program, open an image, go to the plugins menu and select the plugin.


This filter performs various de-interlacing procedures.

Field: This selection specifies which field to process.

Paintout Color: This color is used for various actions such as 'RGB Paintout' and 'Alpha Paintout'.

Action: This selection specifies what action to take for field processing.

Custom Parameters: When action #15 is selected ("Custom"), these variables are user configurable. Otherwise, they are disabled.

Help: Displays this help.

Reset: Resets all values to default state.

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.


RGB Paintout: Paints the specified field using the specified paintout color.

Alpha Paintout: Paints the alpha of the specified field (Except background layer) using the specified paintout color.

Duplicate Upper Field: Copies the upper field into the specified one.

Duplicate Lower Field: Copies the lower field into the specified one.

Interpolate Upper and Lower Neighbors: Interpolates the specified field between the upper and lower pixels.

Interpolate (x,x,x): Performs convolution interpolations on the specified field based on a x,x,x matrix. (Please see "Convolutions" below more information).

Realtime: Applies all effects (in realtime) on 'mouse drag' instead of on 'mouse release'.


Smart De-Interlacer's convoluted interpolations are based on 3x3 matrixes. This means that each pixel around the currently processed pixel is added together (according to their specified weights) and then divided by the sum to obtain an interpolated pixel value. Because pixels cannot be taken from the currently processed field, the top 3 pixels are taken into account, as are the bottom 3 pixels. The middle 3 pixels are each assumed to contain a weight factor of 0. To understand the labeling of interpolated convoluted actions, let's use an example. The action "Interpolate (1,1,1)" means top left pixel (weight of 1) + top pixel (weight of 1) + top right pixel (weight of 1) + 0 (weight of 0) + 0 (weight of 0) + 0 (weight of 0) + bottom left pixel (weight of 1) + bottom pixel (weight of 1) + bottom right pixel (weight of 1) are all added together and then, in this case, divided by the sum of the weights, 6.

Many of the convoluted interpolations are similar to one another but there are subtle differences. Others can contain negative values which may produce a sharpened interpolated field. It is recommended that you try several variations and magnify the results to understand the differences between them, as some interpolations may be more suitable for a particular image than others. Generally a matrix of (1,10,1) will give you a smoother interpolated field than (1,1,1) because the convolution greatly favors the top and bottom pixels.

Action #15, "Custom", allows the user to specify each of the available convolution pixel weights. This is useful when you wish to create your own custom interpolated fields.




1.1 - Fixed preview window flickering when using trackbar sliders.
1.2 - New GUI design.
1.2 - Windows Vista Compatibility.
1.3 - Added reset button.
1.3 - "Custom Parameters" window now displays "ON" or "OFF".
1.3 - Preview image now scales correctly to zoom level.
1.3 - Preview no longer flickers on button / slider adjustment.
1.3 - Ability to use up to 3 GB of RAM under 32bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista) and 4 GB of RAM under 64bit Windows (2000, XP, Vista).



Speed Up Photoshop

This must be one of the most sought after pieces of knowledge that a designer can have. And the list of suggestions is probably endless. But here are some of our top tips.

A lot may depend on what you are using Photoshop for. If you are only creating small 72dpi graphics files for use on the web, then many of the following suggestions may not be necessary. However, if you regularly apply a lot of filters to multi-layered print ready Photoshop files, then the following may be food for thought.

A fast computer seems almost too obvious a suggestion. But if maximum Photoshop performance is what you are after, then a fast processor is probably top of the list. Many Photoshop power users also recommend dual processor solutions, to get the maximum speed benefits.

RAM Memory and lots of it. Photoshop loves memory and, up to a point, you can't have too much. Although, depending on the version of Photoshop, there are suggestions that having over 4GB of RAM doesn't offer any significant speed improvements.

A fast scratch disk. Preferably a completely separate hard disk with no other files on it. Once Photoshop has used up all the available RAM, it will start writing to the hard disk. Having a fast dedicated hard disk to use as scratch disk ensures that Photoshop always has continuous available space to use as swap space. Something that a computer system startup disk may not have. Portable computer users in particular, may want to utilize an external hard drive as a swap disk, as the internal disks in most portables are not very fast.

If you have enough RAM memory, it may be worth going into the Preferences and selecting Memory & Image Cache. Then set the Maximum memory usage to 70%.

If you don't have a lot of RAM, then removing unnecessary plugins and limiting the number of system fonts installed may also help to speed up Photoshop. Reducing the number of history states will also save memory usage.

Learn as many keyboard shortcuts as possible. Learning to use the hotkeys and contextual menus can save lots of time. For example, on a Mac, holding down the Command and Ctrl keys and clicking (or right clicking on the mouse), allows you to move down between layers really quickly. (You do need to click on a non-transparent part of the intended layer).

Navigating complex montages in Photoshop will be much easier if you use the layer groups feature. Giving all groups and layers logical names may also be a major time saver.

from : desaintalkboard

Error Fix MSVCRT10.DLL

If you use old Photoshop plugins, it'll generate MSVCRT10.DLL error.
Just copy "MSVCRT10.DLL" file to Photoshop installation dir
or copy to C:\Windows\System32


photoshop plug in by richardrosenman

To download plug in, just click "dowanload"

Particle PRO download
This filter generates image based particle & fluid simulations.
Current Version v0.1

3D Sphere Generator download
This filter will generate a 3D sphere and allow you to configure many of its properties.
Current Version v1.7

Color Bar Generator download
This filter will create color bar templates for computer and television monitor calibration.
Current Version v1.6

Scanlines Generator download
This filter will create those hard to produce scanlines on your image to simulate a monitor.
Current Version v2.3

Grid Generator download
This filter will create fully customizable grids.
Current Version v1.7

Grain Generator download
This filter will generate varying types of grain on your image.
Current Version v1.4

Diffuse Glow download
This filter will generate diffuse glows.
Current Version v1.5

Spherical Mapping Corrector download
This filter produces texture map correction for spherical texture mapping. Special thanks to Paul Bourke for allowing his algorithm to be ported to this plugin. For more information, please visit Mr. Bourke's site at Mr. Bourke's
Current Version v1.4

Lens Distortion Corrector download
This filter produces texture map correction for spherical texture mapping. Special thanks to Paul Bourke for allowing his algorithm to be ported to this plugin. For more information, please visit Mr. Bourke's site at Mr. Bourke's
Current Version v1.2

Diffuse download
This filter will generate varying types of diffusion effects on your image.
Current Version v1.4

Halftone download
This filter will generate halftone patterns from an image.
Current Version v1.3

Pixelate download
This filter will pixelate an image.
Current Version v1.4

Tiler download
This filter will make an image tileable using edge bleeding and blending algorithms.
Current Version v1.4

Pinch download
This filter produces pinch distortion on an image.
Current Version v1.3

Squarify download
This filter produces squared distortion on an image.
Current Version v1.3

Evaluate download
This filter performs various image processing operations through rule-based evaluations. 'Evaluate' can be an extremely powerful filter when used to its full potential. With it's sophisticated rule-based evaluations, it can perform more than 50 different image processing operations ranging from color replacement, color inversion, color swapping, greyscale conversion, color clamping, color multiplication and division, color trigonometrical mathematics, pixel blurring, pixel grain, and much, much more. Any of these effects can be applied to specific color ranges, specific luma ranges, specific color channels or any combination of any of these (and more). 'Evaluate' makes specific pixel targeting and isolation very easy to accomplish, providing the user with extremely precise image processing controls.
Current Version v1.2

Portable PixMap download
This filter imports and exports Portable PixMap (PPM, PGM, PBM) images. The PPM / PGM / PBM file format is a convenient image file format which allows one to save an image in ASCII or BINARY mode. Because ASCII is simple text, it allows anyone to easily import these images into one's own applications. It also allows one to open the ASCII file in any text editor and make changes if desired. ASCII images are text based and therefore large and slow loading. BINARY images are smaller and faster loading but are not text based. Portable PixMap Importer/Exporter 2.0 now supports 16 bit RGB and Grayscale images.
Current Version v2.2

Superformula download
This filter generates a wide variety of geometric shapes using the Superformula. The Superformula, sometimes referred to as the Supershape, was discovered by Johan Gielis. It is a simple formula that can be used to generate a wide variety of geometric shapes. Special thanks to Paul Bourke for allowing his algorithm to be ported to this plugin. For more information, please visit Mr. Bourke's site. Special thanks to Johan Gielis for his input and support. For more information, please visit Johan Gielis' site and here.
Current Version v1.2

Solid Border download
This filter will generate a solid border around an image (in percentage or pixels) with options to respect image aspect ratios.
Current Version v1.3

Smart De-Interlacer download
This filter performs various de-interlacing procedures with fully customizable convolution controllers.
Current Version v1.3

Ultimate Artist Aggravator download
This plugin exists for the sole purpose of aggravating the artist.
Current Version v1.1

Lens FX download
This filter will generate various distortion effects.
Current Version v1.1

Pixel Quantification download
This filter calculates the sum of a selected number of pixels above a level threshold. It has been primarily developed for biological protein strand analysis although it is suitable for various other uses. Thanks to David Ng for conceptualization.
Current Version v1.1

Channel Modifier download
This filter will perform various operations on color channels.
Current Version v1.0

Variable Invertion download
This filter will variably invert color channels of an image.
Current Version v1.0