Adobe Photoshop Every Tool Explained

Every Tool Explained. There are 130 pages which are full of projects and tips on how to use Photoshop easily and how to get the best out of one of the best photo imaging programs out there.

Subjects covered in the book include:
Selection Tools in Photoshop:
Navigating and Editing Your Images
Using the Brushes and Pencil Tools
Using the Cloning and Healing Tools
The Gradient, Eraser and Fill Tools
Getting to Know the Effects Tools
Working with the Type Tool
Working with Paths, Vectors and Masks
Annotations, Notes and the Measure Tool
Creating Top Quality Artwork

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Infra Red 1

Infra Red 1

Infra red merupakan salah satu tutorial photoshop yang paling digemari oleh semua orang yang bergelut di dunia desain dan fotografer

infra red dihasilkan kamera dengan filter IR tertentu misalnya:
D50 IR Harlim V7
350D IR Harlim V5 + R25
D70s+ IR Cokin 007

saya akan bahas menghasilkan IR dengan olah warna di photoshop

langkah pertama:

buka gambar yang akan kita olah di photoshop.
setelah kita tampil di layar, langkah awal adalah membuat layer:
klik menu Layer --->> New --->> background from layer --->> ok

langkah kedua:

masuk ke channel mixer

atur source channels Red:

Red -60%
Green +200%
Blue -60

langkah ketiga:

setelah langkah kedua selesai ubah layer channel mixer dari mode Normal ke mode Lighten
mode lighten disini berfungsi menghilangkan effect IR, karena disini kita menghasilkan IR dari warna hijau ke warna kuning orange. Dengan mengubah mode normal ke mode lighten, maka selain warna hijau tidak akan berubah warna

langkah terakhir sebelum kita save:
klik menu Layer --->> Flatten image
atau dengan langkah seperti di gambar

selamat mencoba

Portrait Retouching Techniques



The first, you open a picture that you want to retouch, in this tutorial I used this picture:

Zoom out the picture, select Healing brush tool (J)

Hold Alt and click on a smooth skin area. Then click on her moles

Now, go to Filter -> Distort -> Diffuse glow and apply these settings

Select Blur tool (R) and set properties as shown below:

Drag the blur tool over the face, leaving eyes and lips.

Select Burn tool (O), drag the tool over the eyebrow and eyelash

Select the eyes area and press Ctrl+B to open Color Balance, set properties like this:

Now, select soft feather brush. Set the foreground color to #7A2747. Set the opacity to 5% and drag the brush over the eyelid

Select Burn tool (O), drag the tool over the lips

And you will get the final result: