make beautiful color
I will give you the tutorial on setting the color.
is very useful when you process open.let go start ......
the first step:
open the image to photoshop cs 2
duplicate layer become 2, press ctrl + J
then change blending mode normal menjadi screen dengan opacity 60% (please adjust your own, as needed)
step two:
This is the last step, but here there will be many who will be creative in the make.
the most important here is the hue / saturation
image 1.
press ctrl + H (hue / saturation)
(see the color red)
image 2
press ctrl + H (hue / saturation)
(see the color red)
image 3.
press ctrl + H (hue / saturation)
(see the master and the color red)
image 4.
press ctrl + H (hue / saturation)
(see the master and the color red)
good luck